Bhagwanji Chohan

Bhagwanji Chohan has been a councillor for Alperton since 2010. He has served in multiple roles in Brent Council, most recently as Mayor of Brent between 2017-18 raising thousands of pounds for the Asian Women’s Resource Centre in Stonebridge and the Akshaya Patra Foundation UK – which works to eradicate classroom hunger and facilitate childhood education. He has continued as a charity ambassador for them since his mayorship.

After moving from Keya to London, Bhagwanji worked as a bus conductor and booking clerk, before setting up his own grocery business which he successfully ran for 23 years.

Bhagwanji is a life-long member of the Brent Indian Association and a Founding Trustee of the Grand Union Development Trust. He also serves as a joint Member of the Co-operative Party for Brent and Harrow. As someone that is passionate about the cooperative movement he has been a part of several co-ops including the Cooperative Group and as a funeral care director.

As a Councillor he serves as a member of the Licensing Committee and the  Alcohol and Entertainment Licensing Sub-Committee. 

Surgery Details

Every second Tuesday of the month from 5.00pm – 6.00pm at the Grand Union Community Hub, Beresford Avenue, Wembley, HA0 1AW.

Should you need to contact Councillor Chohan for an appointment, please could you text or email him.